5 Tough-Love Truths about Building a Startup in SA

Bubu Buna on the gritty realities of building a startup in SA.
April 18, 2024

If you’re feeling the pressure of scaling that startup, you’ll enjoy this week’s How Would You Build It. We finally got Bubu Buna of Jobox on for a no-holds-barred look at the (often painful) realities of building a startup in SA.

It’s super short – just 40 minutes – and it’s an absolute cracker for SA founders.

Just the highlights

1. Why building in SA is so tough

“It’s an extreme sport,” Bubu says here, “the most difficult thing I’ve ever done.” So much so that he’d tell most people NOT to build in SA. OR be prepared for the slog. Because funding access is hard or non-existent, B2B is way harder than most people let on and the only thing harder than actually getting a corporate to listen to you is getting your invoice paid.

But, despite that, he loves it. You just have to build differently.

2. A model that actually works in SA

One of Bubu’s biggest lessons is that international startup news and influencers are all wrong for SA startups. Raising funding, scaling and exiting in 3 years just doesn’t happen in our market. What does work is building a good, solid self-funded company that generates its own revenue, growing it slowly if you have to. Get the sage advice right here.

3. Business before platforms

One way to deplete yourself (of funds and energy) fast is to focus on building an MVP before you’ve validated your concept. In this context, validation means you have paying customers – get the insights here.

4. Build what the market wants

Bubu had a valuable experience building a product off user feedback that then bombed and needed a crucial pivot. He shares the whole story here.

5. Getting B2B sales going

Start as consultants within your network – first 10. The people who you know have the problem you’re looking to solve. But don’t give it for free. If it really works, your next few can come through word of mouth, before you go bigger.

A good place to start is to ask “How can I make this so good people don’t just want to use it, they want to get others to use it too” – catch that convo here.

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