Building an AI EdTech platform and unpacking the state of education | Gabi Immelman | MindJoy

MindJoy's impact on SA's teacher crisis via AI tech.
April 5, 2024

If you’re excited about finding more practical uses for AI in the startup/tech space, today’s How Would You Build It podcast is for you. We sat down with Gabi Immelman, Co-Founder & CEO of SA AI educator platform, Mindjoy. And she had some awesome insights on what it takes to build using AI.

Catch the highlights

1. Have a clear vision and integrate AI early on

As Gabi mentions here, her journey started with a clear research question (how to enable young people to flourish in a world of technology), and being a former teacher needing to “learn” the startup way played in her favour as a lack of technical skills made her open to engaging with AI early on.

And the combination of having a clear problem statement and willingness to experiment with the new technology, coupled with a drive to upskill and network pays huge dividends in your early days.

2. Adapt to user needs

Gabi’s the first to admit they weren’t prophetic in jumping onto AI before AI was even a thing. As she explains here, it was in response to their users’ request (12-year-olds no less) for more information on AI that led Mindjoy to apply for early access to Chat GPT’s 2021 beta, which led to the amazing project experience she describes here and ultimately the success Mindjoy has enjoyed thus far.

3. Focus on real-world applications for AI

Much of the media hype around AI centres on the infrastructure level – what OpenAI, Microsoft, Apple and the like are doing. But as Gabi mentions here, startups will likely find more value in working at the applications layer – finding new ways to use existing AIs to solve real problems.

She does advise, though, to play the field and experiment with as many different AI APIs as possible – they all tend to have specific areas in which they excel, which can help you better find applications for the tech.

You can also grab the Spotify and Apple Podcast links on our website here.