Who can help build my startup? Venture Studio, LP, Accelerator or Incubator.

What it takes to build a successful company and how support programs can help.
April 20, 2024

Starting a company is hard. Building a successful company is very hard. What does it mean to build a company successfully, and why is the process so challenging?

In this episode, we discuss what it means to build a startup, and dive into whether you should be building your startup alone or if there's any benefit to working with Incubators, Accelerators or Venture studios.

00:49 Episode 10 and latching on.

03:35 Lack of Entrepreneurial culture

07:02 Description of different strategies & YC

11:31 South African experience

13:33 Limited Partner vs Liquidity Provider

17:51 Dealing with budget and runway

23:16 Startup mentality

24:02 Equity sharing

29:01 venture studios