How to Spin Up/Pivot and move fast using Design thinking for your startup | Kim Whitaker

Kim Whitaker shares rapid startup success secrets on this week's podcast
June 14, 2024

If you’re looking for insights on how some founders seem to spin up (or pivot) and launch ideas into businesses so fast (and successfully), then this week’s podcast is for you. We sat down with Kim Whitaker, now with Airbnb but perhaps best known as the person behind Ubuntu Beds during Covid – one of SA’s gold-standard case studies in innovation/pivoting.

And Kim shared her insights into spotting opportunities and quickly spinning up a new company, in record time.

Catch the highlights

1. From zero to success in 48 hours

From closing down Cape Town schools to contracting Covid to getting on the radio and launching a game-changer in two days – this is the real story behind Ubuntu Beds.

2. The No. 1 secret to building fast successfully

Pulling off miracles in no time requires the perfect mix of two special ingredients in your team: discipline and creativity – here’s how it works.

3. The only skill you need to build something they’ll love

From first dates to brands, we all make the same mistakes until we realise the one thing that changes it all is learning to see through the user’s eyes – get the insights here.

4. How we could fix all of SA with design thinking startup mindsets

If SA was run like a tech company, the Finland example and gold advice for founders and builders – check it out here.