🎯 How to Create a Killer Pricing Page in 5 Steps...

Elvorne Palmer

5 essential strategies to optimize your startup's pricing page: Highlight your value proposition, ensure clarity and simplicity, focus on benefits over features, address customer fears, employ strategic pricing presentations, and continuously test for best conversions. Learn how to turn your pricing page into a powerful tool for increasing customer engagement and conversions.


Once your product and plan move along the comms and website stage, you run into the big pricing page dilemma: Should we advertise our price?

Soon, it will cost you a customer.

And it’s not just in SaaS. We see a lot of startups unwilling to list prices. Some clearly even consider their pricing page as the END of a sales funnel when it’s actually not. See, pricing has a bit of psychology to it…

The case for pricing awareness

We’re going out on a limb here and betting that most (or at least a lot of) South Africans’ behaviour flow when checking out a new product online goes something like this:

  1. Check the Landing/Home page, read a little bit, maybe watch a quick video.
  2. Click through to pricing page first to see if this is even in your league.
  3. Only then go to product page and maybe check features or some testimonials.

Why? Well, we’re conditioned that most overseas products are out of our price range, so a quick price check will tell you if you should even bother engaging further with this or not. And we’re also willing to bet this behaviour translates to looking at local products, too.

The lesson? Your pricing page is probably VERY important to any market. And it’s not the end of your sales funnel, it’s close to the start. So, how do you build a killer price page?

Optimise your pricing page

Lead with your Value Proposition (and repeat it)

When the price point’s important, people are probably going to click here first before your fancy sales pages. So why not consider your pricing page close to the start of your funnel? Show and remind them here what problem you solve, how you solve it and why it’s better than the alternative.

Make it super clear and super simple
Pricing tables, options and feature lists are often SO clunky! No one can read 4pt font, and you don’t want to bore people – remember your goal is to get someone to buy or jump on a call, so optimise your page for that. It’s not an info dump.

Emphasise the Benefits, not Features
Everyone always says “Sell on benefits, not features”, but what does that mean? Well, it's a bit complicated, but here’s a practical exercise to help you do it right:

Get two columns on a page, label the first one “Features” and the other “Benefits”. In the Features column, list your product’s features like you normally would have done on a pricing table. Now, next to each Feature, in the Benefits column, write down 8–10 ways that single feature will enhance your customer’s life – “If you have this feature, you will…”

Example: If your product is a little cheaper, that’s a Feature. Your Benefits will be really obvious ones like “because it’s cheaper, you save money”, but also include more creative ones like: “because it’s cheaper, you’ll have more money to spend on chocolates, therefore this product helps you eat more chocolate”.

See what we did there? That’s selling on benefits. And if you can match the benefits you imagined with actual needs and fears from your user research, you’ll know exactly which ones to use to convert more.

Talk to their fears directly, calm them
Your pricing page is actually where your testimonials and lists of B2B brands you’ve worked with come in most handy. See, people hesitate to buy because something is still bothering them.

When Slack started, they had a “Wall of Love” on their pricing page – a rolling compilation of tweets from users saying “thank you” and fawning over “what an amazing” product this is. This helps new users feel like “Well, if others like it so much, maybe I should try it…”

Use some psychology to convert

Depending on what you’re selling, you might want to have tiered pricing with decoys to make your actual price look attractive. Or maybe you have an up-sell, down-sell presentation to push people to the product you’re really trying to move.

You can A-B test different options on the page, and see what converts best.


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