🤢 How to Embrace the "Ugly" Pathway to Superior Products...

Elvorne Palmer

5 steps to embrace the "ugly" approach for product validation: prioritize core functionality over aesthetics, demonstrate value through raw visuals, gather early feedback from your target audience, prepare a basic way to capture interest, and let user feedback guide your product development journey.

Building a product is a journey full of twists, turns, and sometimes, roadblocks. The excitement of seeing an idea materialize can often lead to premature launches without necessary market validation.

One of the lessons learned from seasoned entrepreneurs is that sometimes the route to validation is less polished than we think. In the startup world, we call it the “ugly” approach, and here's why you might want to consider it.

Don’t @ us UI designers

Let's look at a story that surfaced on Reddit. An entrepreneur had a bright idea for an SEO keyword-searching tool. Like many of us, he invested a lot of time and resources into creating a flawless product with refined architecture and intuitive UX/UI. But when he showcased his product to communities, people were confused, and not a single soul signed up. This lack of response forced him to abandon his product.

But he didn't give up. He had another idea. This time, he decided to flip the traditional development process. Instead of refining the product first, he tested its core functionality with the audience. He created a basic, “ugly” video with no music, audio, or subtitles, and posted it on Reddit. This simple, raw video clearly displayed the tool in action on his laptop.

The response was overwhelmingly positive, with people even demanding the tool! He hastily set up a 'coming soon' page to capture emails, amassing 36 registrations and a promise of many more from Reddit. This new approach led him to what seemed like a genuine product-market fit. You can check out his Reddit post here and the 'coming soon' page here.

So, how can you apply this strategy? Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Embrace the Ugly: Put your product's core functionality front and centre. Forget about the frills, and focus on the problem you're trying to solve. Remember, it doesn't have to be perfect – it just needs to work.

2. Show, Don't Tell: Demonstrate how your product works in the simplest way possible. If people can understand its value through a straightforward, “ugly” video, you know you're on the right track.

3. Get Feedback Early: Don't wait until your product is fully baked. Share it with your target audience and learn from their reactions. Their feedback is essential in aligning your product with market demand.

4. Be Ready for Interest: Prepare a simple way to capture interest. When your audience resonates with your product, make sure you can hold onto them, be it through a simple website or an email signup sheet.

5. Evolve with Your Users: Take your users on your product development journey. Their needs and demands will guide you towards a truly valuable product.

In the end, remember that a little “ugly” never hurt anyone. In fact, it may lead to a better, more valuable product because it emphasizes function over form.

So, founders, dare to embrace the “ugly” approach for your next product validation. You might just hit the product-market fit jackpot.

Busy with an “ugly” product? Hit reply and let us know, we’d be keen to check it out.


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