📲 How to Market Your Early-Stage Startup...

Renier Kriel

4 essential early-days marketing strategies for startups: Enhance visual appeal using tools like Squarespace and Webflow; actively learn and apply marketing to improve product development; experiment with marketing channels for data-driven optimization; ensure consistency in marketing efforts to establish brand reliability. Apply these strategies for effective startup marketing.

When you start a startup, the amount of effort you need to put into marketing to get any kind of result is enormous. This means most founders end up wasting a lot of time or – worse yet – not attempting anything.

So how do you make sure you do enough but not too much in the early days?

Smart Early-Days Marketing

1. People eat with their eyes: Impress them

This was one of the standout insights for me in a podcast we did with marketing expert, Dave Duarte. If something doesn’t look presentable and finished, people are less likely to give it a shot.

So get the basics in place like a quality website, look and online presence. And this doesn’t have to cost a fortune, use templates from website builders such as Squarespace and Webflow to make you look super slick and professional.

We saw this with The Open Letter; something simple was OK for proof of concept, but as soon as we had validation, doubling down on a better-crafted website, made it easier to get things we wanted to do done.

2. Put in the effort

Some people are natural marketers and promoters, others not so much.

Either way, one of a founder’s key responsibilities is to ensure the survival and growth of your organisation. Which inevitably means learning how to market or promote yourself and your business (and you won’t regret it).

Marketing and promoting your product or service itself gives you a lot of feedback that, importantly, makes you think critically about what you’re doing. Getting you way more value-focused on product development.

It also helps to get a team or a consultant in the early stages that can help you avoid some obvious expensive mistakes. Elvorne and I do this for a few startups, so simply reply to this email if you need help here.

3. Try things to get data points

If you’re B2C, paid media can be a great source of leads (if done right). Start early and learn some lessons. How much does a conversion cost? That’s a stake in the ground for you to work on either getting other channels at a cheaper cost, improving performance or figuring out how to max income per conversion to justify the spend.

Similarly in B2B, data points are great for understanding the process and how to optimise your conversion funnel. Measure how long it takes to move a client from first engagement to closing them, how many times you engaged them in that journey and how many other team members were involved in the journey. Then use that data to craft your engagement and marketing strategy. Try to get each one through the required amount of engagements before closing into a sequence of events that will result in a shorter life cycle.

In both B2C and B2B, there are hacks and creative tactics you can employ to get better insights. And it's hard to say exactly what these could be for you – the important thing is to start trying so that you can learn.

4. Don’t bite off more than you can chew

Nothing builds a brand like consistency. Whatever you attempt to do, make sure you’re able to sustain it – most things don’t really yield results within even 3 months (when most people give up), so plan for 12 months or more.

Rather start by doing less in a way that you can keep it going for a very long time. And, in time, people will notice and say: “This person has been talking about this thing for a very long time, let me check it out.”

Today’s Builder’s Corner was written by Renier Kriel from The Open Letter who is an expert in SA startup strategy & growth.

Connect with him on Linkedin here.


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