🎯 How to Assess Your Product/Service Idea: 4 Essential Questions to Ask Before Building It...

Lara Prasad

Ensure your startup idea's viability with a strategic four-question test by Lara Prasad, focusing on value, usability, feasibility, and business sustainability, for a focused approach to product development.


Got a startup idea? Great! Now, how can you be sure it has any chance of actually being successful BEFORE you spend all that time and money building it?

Don’t say we didn’t warn you…

OG product people will tell you there’s a quick 4-question exercise you can do even before investing in validation (or use them to double-check your validation results) that’ll help you determine whether your product is worth the risk…  

Ask yourself this before you build

1. Is it Valuable (Enough)?

Will people buy (pay for) it? And, importantly, if they’ve already paid for it, will they CHOOSE to use it and keep using it?

You’ll often hear startups debating whether a problem is important enough to solve, or comment that someone failed because they “failed to find their market”. What they’re really saying is the problem the product solves is not valuable enough for the user to actually pay for or keep using.

The trick: Solve burning problems that either make/save a lot of time/money or create so much benefit/convenience that people can't imagine their life without it anymore.

2. Will it be Usable?

If your product/service is something people want and need, can they figure out how to use it? Can the interface and the steps to unlocking value be straightforward enough that they LOVE using it?

Now, of course, this one can be solved by superstar UX later in product development, but it helps early on to ask yourself whether you can even imagine a state/interface/mechanism where users can just jump in and use it, plug and play.

3. Is it Feasible?

In the simplest terms, is this something that you can and actually know how to build? Do you have the skills on the team, does the technology exist and do you have enough time and money to build it?

This can become a big issue when you’re dealing with integrations and evolving technology like machine learning. But it’s also as simple as asking if you have enough hours in the day over the next X period to do this right – because you might be working on other projects etc.

4. Can this sustain a business?

Is it legal or at risk of impending regulation? Can you afford to pay for the production? Do you have the skills, channels and knowledge available to effectively get the product to market?

An idea is only as good as its execution. And your desired result is almost assuredly building a profitable business with a product that makes money. So can you build out a realistic model where this product generates income and becomes profitable?

Got a startup building hack? Hit reply and let us know (and maybe you get featured here, too).

Today’s Builder’s Corner is done in collaboration with Lara (Nel) Prasad who is an expert in product management and UX at Next176.  You can connect with her on Linkedin right here.


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